Eye Flu: Eye Flu takes over Delhi NCR and other state After flooding

 Eye Flue: In the midst of the continuous flood circumstance in different provinces of Delhi, eye influenza cases are expanding quickly the nation over. The cases are coming for the most part from flood impacted regions. Eye influenza is spreading among kids quickly . Most authorities on the matter would agree, kids are bound to get this season's virus since influenza is exceptionally infectious , and kids interacts with many children in everyday schedule places. Such cases are emerging generally from the flood impacted regions and this could prompt more pressing issue. The condition is heightening all the more quickly around the areas situated on the banks of the stream Yamuna and patients are gathering in the line of emergency clinics.

What is eye Flu

Viral conjunctivitis is in many cases joined by a typical virus. These infections are profoundly infectious (handily spread from one individual to another), and anybody can move the infection to their eye by cleaning out their nose with their eyes open or scouring their eyes. Bacterial conjunctivitis is brought about by different sorts of microscopic organisms.

Symptoms of Eye Flu

  • Eyes turn red and get swollen 
  • Severe itching or pain in the eyes
  • Blurred vision 
  • Watery discharge from the eye
  • Insensitivity to sunlight or bright light, also known as photophobia
  • Bleeding from the eye

Causes of Eye Flu

  • Viruses that generate eye flu append adenoviruses are some kinds of herpes virus.
  • Bacterial conjunctivitis is sometimes created by a sexually transmitted infection (STI) like Chlamydia. If signs do not fade after a month, this may mean an STI has occurred.
  • If a newborn has bacterial conjunctivitis of Chlamydia, the signs are usually seen in 5 to 12 days after delivery. If the bacteria is due to gonorrhea, they normally can be seen after 2 to 4 days.
  • Bacterial problems involve Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pneumonia, Haemophilus species etc.

Treatment of Eye Flu

  • Apply anti-allergic eye drops 3 times a day.
  • Mostly in few cases of infective conjunctivitis, the doctor suggests waiting as the eye infection resolve without treatment within 2 weeks. They may direct eye drops with decongestants or antihistamine to decrease the signs of swelling and irritation.
  • Antibiotics will not work if in cases of viral, and even a bacterial infection may last up to a month with antibiotics. However, medicines may be prescribed if symptoms are critical. The most usually prescribed medicines for infective conjunctivitis are fluoroquinolones, sulfonamides, chloramphenicol, etc.
  • Apply dark goggles
  • Artificial tear eye drops can be purchased over the counter (OTC) or online to assist reduce soreness and stickiness.


Eye Influenza It is extremely normal particularly during the blustery season. It isn't the slightest bit hazardous and gets restored in the span of a week or so without communicating any long-lasting harm to the eye. They can without much of a stretch be disposed of if wear dim goggles and apply hostile to unfavorably susceptible eye drops 3 - 4 times each day as recommended by your primary care physician.

We all pray from the God every patient who suffering by Eye Flu or any others disease my God protect them! 

Stay safe!


if you have any doubt, please let me know.

  1. I live in Delhi I see it in my factory workers
    who suffering from this disease isn't come

  2. Great information on Eye flu

  3. how to prevent it?

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